Howard Thoresen

Howard Thoresen

Howard first encountered the Feldenkrais Method in a theater school many decades ago. The practice and philosophy was transformational to his approach to acting, directing, and teaching theater, and not incidentally to his lifelong practice of yoga. Decades later he became a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner…

Jeremy Cline

Jeremy Cline

Jeremy has enjoyed a life in motion. Injuries as a professional dancer, skater, and acrobat brought him to The Feldenkrais Method and he found The Method to improve all of these disciplines as well as give him longevity in his performing life.  He has always been interested in how thinking and acting influence each other and in unleashing creative intelligence.  The Method has allowed him to take his experience as a mover and translate it towards helping others move towards their potential…

Jo-Anne Lee

Jo-Anne Lee

Jo-anne is an actor, dancer and martial artist with certifications in Pilates and Yoga. She has found the Awareness Through Movement classes to be a refreshing way to deal with fixed notions about pain and lack of mobility, but also to expand one's possibilities without the need to push. She is interested in helping people discover and rediscover better ways of moving, being and showing up in the world…

Leslie Thompson

Leslie Thompson

Leslie brings with her a background in music and various other movement practices. In the midst of pursuing her undergraduate degree, a car accident forced her to learn about how we use our bodies to make music. She is now most passionate about teaching how to live, learn, practice, and perform in all kinds of ways with more embodiment and ease, as well as injury prevention and recovery of movement…